Blue Venus

The Institut national de recherches archéologiques préventives (INRAP) and the Musée départemental Arles antique invited leading figures from seemingly disparate backgrounds to take part in a unique gathering to explore the representation of the female body in the arts over the centuries: Pernelle Marcon, para-athlete and political scientist, Valérie Delattre, archaeoanthropologist at INRAP and expert in the archaeology of disability, and Marguerite Bornhauser, visual photographer.
Informed by these conversations, Marguerite Bornhauser has devised a work that depicts the female body and the disabled body, combining photography, sculpture and installation, to be displayed in the collections of the Musée départemental Arles antique. On this occasion, the museum is replacing an iconic piece from its collection, the plaster cast of the Venus of Arles, with a magnified representation of the modern woman conceived by the artist, using materials found in the museum and echoing the surrounding works.
Curators: Theresia Duvernay and Romy Wyche.
In collaboration with INRAP.
Triptych is the winner of the call for projects “Inspiration, creation and disability”, created as part of the Cultural Olympiad by the Ministry of Culture and the Organizing Committee of the Olympic and Paralympic Games in Paris 2024
Coordinated by Florence Moll, Fma le bureau